BLADE ZINE | issue 1


Blade 1: This is a 26-page zine printed in full colour with red covers! It includes art, poetry and other writing by myself and a couple of contributors, including:
~ Why You Need to Care About Politics
~ Poetry by The Onset Poet
~ 'Venom' by WARGASM album review
~Thoughts on teenagehood
~ Interview with 3-piece punk band 'Unchained'

Shipping is free in the UK and cheap elsewhere, all orders come with stickers, and trades are welcomed if you have a zine of yr own - just DM me @zines_by_blade!

Some copies may be misprinted with the red paper in the wrong place - I apologise for this but I also cannot fix it, my printer is just very temperamental. I will ensure that everything is readable before I send, and reprint if it isn't.